Step by Step Black Knight Brick Barbecue Building Guide for 67cm 3 brick wide bbq kits

First the obvious stuff.

Make sure you choose a site for your barbecue that is flat and at least 1.5 metres away from fences and not underneath any thing (trees, washing lines,etc.) and, of course, well away from flammable materials.


Set out your metal parts before you start to build and always use the cooking grill as a guide to check the measurements are correct throughout the building process - this will ensure your walls don’t start to splay outwards or inwards.

it is not necessary to lay foundations but it is necessary to start on a solid level surface.

Here we go.

1) Set the bricks out dry to two brick height with frog facing down and check dimensions are correct and the angles are square using the grill from your kit. Draw a line around the inside dimensions as a guide (figure1).Figure 1


2.) Mix sand and cement then add water mixing until there are no lumps and the mix,when laid, is workable but not runny. A small amount of washing up liquid will make the mix easier to work.

3) Lay the first course of bricks along the rear first and then add the side wall bricks checking they are square and level. If any bricks are out of line, just tap them back into line with the end of your trowel handle.

 4.) Start the second course of bricks with a corner brick (figure 2) to make half bond. Cary on around the course and finish with a half brick on the front of each side walls. Bricks can easily be cut using a sharp blow from a hammer and bolster chisel. Cary on with this pattern until you reach the 6th course-checking levels and angles throughout.Figure 2


 5.) When reaching the sixth, eighth, tenth and twelth courses, set out the side walls as shown in figure 3, i.e : cut the front and back bricks to 3/4 size, with a whole brick for the middle, i.e : 3/4 bonding.



 6.) On the seventh, ninth and eleventh courses, use one half brick for the front of the side walls and then place 3 bricks sideways on as shown in figure 4.

 7.) Check your brickwork is square and level using the grill and spirit level, then go round all the joints with a pointing trowel, smoothing to a nice and tidy finish.

Dependent on the weather conditions, leave for approx. 20-60 minutes, then clean the brickwork with a clean soft brush.